Entries by Coaching For CEOs

Build Your Own Network Constellation

There are many ways to build your network of connections when you own a small business or work independently (think realtor or financial planner). Only time and experience will show you which ones are most effective for you. Even if you’re shy or unsure of yourself, you need to network to grow your connections and […]

FFF: Family, Faith, and Finance

We have only so much time and energy in our lives. We’re generally oblivious to the passing of time until there’s a holiday, an important date, or something traumatic happens. We can either float around on this river of time and go where the current takes us, or we can swim toward our destination. Part […]

A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats

As we get past the pandemic and the economy improves, we hope that those who struggled over the past year can find success. Some businesses had record years last year, others stayed the same, but many suffered. You may find your boat lifting this year not just because of a better economy but because of […]

Create Your Own Economy

We all live in our own environment. It’s where we live, socialize, do business, attend religious services, and shop. We’re in a bubble that bounces into and sometimes merges with other bubbles as we live our lives. You can create your own economy by finding and leveraging the bubbles of future clients and customers. You […]

Networking Strategy for Your Business

Your best networking strategy is the one that provides you with the most warm leads in the least amount of time. That’s not something you can do by yourself. It requires others to commit to helping you. To make that work, you need to return the favor. You need a Board of Directors (BOD), a […]

The Busy Trap

Are you busy with your business, making some money, but not as much as you want? We can all get mired in busywork that sucks too much time out of our days. We’re busy with wheel spinning and slogging ahead, not focusing on intentional networking and business planning to grow our relationships and expand our […]